ESX - Revert Snapshot
ESX - Revert Snapshot
Name | Description | Last Modified Date | Download |
RevertSnapShot.ps1 | Reverts to the last snapshot using VMWare ESX PowerShell API | 01/01/2012 | RevertSnapShot.ps1 1kb |
This script only works with ESX. It does not work with ESXi.
#Source : CodeMonkey Software http://codemonkeysoftware.atlassian.net param ( $ServerName = $(throw 'Please specify Virtual Infrastructure ServerName or IP'), $User = $(throw 'Please specify username'), $Password = $(throw 'Please specify password'), $VMName = $(throw 'Please specify VMName'), $SnapshotName = $null ) $s = get-pssnapin | where-object {$_.Name -eq "VMWare.VimAutomation.Core" } if($s -eq $null) { add-pssnapin VMWare.VimAutomation.Core } function ResetSnapshot { if($server -eq $null -or $server.IsConnected -eq $false) { throw 'Unable to connect to $ServerName' } $vm = Get-VM -Name $VMName if($vm -eq $null) { throw 'Unable to find specified VM $VMName' } $snapShot = $null $snapShots = Get-SnapShot -VM $vm if($SnapshotName -eq $null) { if($snapShots -eq $null -or $snapShots.Count -eq 0) { throw 'No snapshots for specified VM $VMName' } $snapShot = $snapShots[$snapshots.Count - 1] } else { $snapShot = $snapShots | Where-Object { $_.Name -ieq $SnapshotName } } if($snapShot -eq $null) { throw 'No snapshots for specified VM $VMName' } Write-Host ('Setting snapshot ' + $snapShot.Name + ' on VM ' + $vm.Name) Set-VM -VM $vm -Snapshot $snapShot -confirm:$false -ErrorAction:Stop $Message = "Restored default machine on " Set-VM -VM $vm -Description $Message $vm.Name -confirm:$false -ErrorAction:Continue } try { cls $server = Connect-VIServer -Server $ServerName -User $User -Password $Password ResetSnapshot } catch { Write-Error $_ exit 1 } finally { if($server -ne $null -and $server.IsConnected -eq $true) { Disconnect-VIServer -Server $server -Confirm:$false } }
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